Your physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and financial parts of self are the five parts of Your Fertile Self that require awareness and attention.
Fertile Affirmations® Stories
View the resources that have helped so many throughout their fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum journeys.
Fertile Affirmation Stories
Hi there, I’m Windy.
I want you to know I see you and your reproductive health experiences matter to me. The content of our experiences may be different, but we share the journey.
While sitting in the beautiful NC mountains during our last miscarriage, I thought “I can’t be held hostage by this infertility and loss journey anymore. I have to get my life back.” The physical discomfort was nonexistent compared to the pain in my heart of wanting a family. I was emotionally depleted, and I knew there was something wrong with my body — but no one would listen.
After having my second miscarriage at 30, the doctors discovered I had a blood clotting disorder. Four miscarriages later, I became pregnant — we were elated. Unfortunately, the medication that was helping me to stay pregnant also caused me to develop a hemorrhage and we nearly lost my daughter. The pregnancy after loss anxiety was overwhelming.
Coping with serious medical issues while learning to be a mother was almost too much — and then we learned our second one was on the way. The postpartum depression and anxiety were also overwhelming and sometimes unmanageable.
I started writing affirmations in my journal, sometimes the same ones over and over for days: “I am trusting my journey as I emerge whole and well.” Little did I know that these affirmations would save my life, and one day become Fertile Affirmations®️ — a movement to help people through all stages of their fertility and reproductive health journeys. Counseling, journaling, and affirmations were my power of 3 and saved my sanity!
If you are in interested in counseling or coaching and live in North Carolina or South Carolina, please reach out. I’m also trained and continuously educate around Third Party Reproduction. Evaluations for Donors and Surrogates as well as Intended Parent Consults are my jam! I can complete these in both North Carolina and South Carolina. windy@innersolutionscounseling.com
I want you to know that wherever you are on your journey, whatever you have been through and are going through, that you are not alone. A Fertile Life can include starting a family, but it’s about so much more than that: It’s about caring for your physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual and financial parts of Self.
And I’d love to hold space on your journeys with you,
Ps: If you are in need of a third party reproduction evaluation, screening, or consultation, please reach out to me directly as these follow a specific protocol. windy@innersolutionscounseling.com
Pps: I’m a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina, a former Child Trauma Therapist and Child Forensic Interviewer. I was also named as a Woman to Watch finalist by WILMA Magazine, published by the likes of Yahoo!, interviewed on countless podcasts, and an active contributor to Live Pods on Peanut.
Fertile Affirmations® is a company who supports people of all genders, orientations, races, and religions through their reproductive health journeys, across their lifespan.
We believe that fertility is a mindset and a way of life, not a momentary thing — it’s about creating a better way of life for yourSelf and your family, no matter how big or small, regardless of what stage you’re in.
We believe that being fertile goes far beyond the ability to be with child: Living a fertile life is about enjoying your best life in five areas; physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and financial. These five areas make up your whole Self.
We believe that ‘everybody’ and ‘every body’ are distinct, that each person’s journey is unique, and that we can find comfort in the stories and experiences that we share with other people.
We believe that misinformation creates chaos, and it is our stand that awareness and education are the two crucial ingredients to a calm mind and confident decision-making.
We believe that sex should be recreational, not just procreational. We know that scheduled intimacy can easily and quickly become an impossible strain on a relationship — and we want to help you enjoy passionate time with yourSelf or your partner through your reproductive health journey.
Fertile Affirmations® is here to acknowledge you, help you embrace yourself, and walk with you through each stage of your very personal journey.
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